Pain Management Services, Epidural and Nerve Block


Covid-19 Tests
Medical Reports
Complete Physical
Ear Examination


PAP Smear Test


Blood Glucose
Pregnancy Test
PAP Smear Test
Covid19 Rapid Test


Do you require a statutory certificate? We can provided statutory certificates for : –
Food Handlers
Work Permit Holders
Patients seeking Medical Citizenship
Patients requiring a Driving License Medical
Patients requiring an Insurance Medical


What is a Basic Consultation?
Your GP is your first line of support when you have medical concerns. During a general consultation, your Doctor will listen to you, hear your concerns and advise you on all of your treatment options.
What is an Extended Consultation?
These consultations are ideal for discussing more complex or multiple medical issues. This may also include obtaining a prescription or repeat prescription for existing medication.
What is a Short Medical Report?
This form, which may be completed by a doctor or nurse, collects information about the medical history and current state. We need these facts to decide how much support you require and the best medication that will be suitable.
What is a Detailed Medical Report ?
This form is longer and more detailed than the short medical report, we will collect more information about your medical history and current state. We need these facts to decide how much support you require and the best medication that will be suitable.
What is an OBGYN?
An obstetrician-gynecologist, or OB-GYN, is a healthcare professional that specializes in female reproductive health.People trained as OB-GYNs specialize in both obstetrics and gynecology:
obstetrics involves working with pregnant women, including delivering babies
gynecology involves the female reproductive system, treating a wide range of conditions, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and chronic pain
What is a Complete Physical?
This is an examination, during which your Doctor may look in your eyes, ears, mouth, and nose to see if they detect any issues. Then comes the physical exam. The Doctor will also apply gentle pressure (called palpating) to your abdomen, neck, arms, and legs to check for problems, they may also test your motor functions and reflexes.
What happens during an Ear Examination?
An ear examination is a thorough check of the ears. It is done to screen for ear problems, such as hearing loss, ear pain, discharge, lumps, or objects in the ear. An ear examination can find problems in the ear canal, eardrum, and middle ear.
What is  Acute & Chronic Pain?
 Acute pain begins suddenly and is usually sharp in quality. It serves as a warning of disease or a threat to the body. Acute pain might be caused by many events or circumstances, including:
Surgical Pain
Traumatic Pain, example: broken bone, cut, or burn
Muscle strain
Acute pain might be mild and last just a moment, or it might be severe and last for weeks or months. In most cases, acute pain does not last longer than six months, and it disappears when the underlying cause of pain has been treated or has healed.
What is Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain is pain lasting longer than three months or past the time of normal tissue healing. Physical effects include tense muscles, limited mobility, a lack of energy, and changes in appetite. Emotional effects include depression, anxiety, anger, and fear of re-injury. There are several different types of pain which may result in chronic pain.
Your Doctor will assess if you have acute pain or chronic pain and recommend different solutions to manage it.
Why may a patient require a Hospital Visit from their GP?
GP’s can offer an extra level of care and communicate directly with the Hospital. Also the GP can mediate so that the needs of the patient are properly addressed.
What are the benefits of a Home Visit?
Home visits could help avoid unplanned hospital admission when supported with appropriate diagnostic back up. In addition, when a patients’ own GP is attending they may have access to patient records and history. It should enable a discussion of options and shared decision making. Primary care visits are particularly useful with patients who have complex care needs.
TEL: (869)469-0521